This is for Parents…Miss Out At The Cost of Your Kids?

So, the kid was alright throughout the night, however in the morning when she was getting ready for the school bus, she complained of stomach ache. The mother got worried so told her to miss the school and relax in the home. As she came back, she became absolutely alright. Refused to see the doctor also.

NewsBharati    12-Apr-2023 14:45:46 PM   
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So, young parents are not supposed to miss this? 
Today morning me and my wife were coming back from park after our morning schedule, a lady approached my wife and profusely thanked her. I was quite surprised because I did not recognise her. Anyway, I asked her and then she narrated this story. It is for young parents and some times we feel that we miss out on simple clues which our kids/children give, just because of our tight schedule of daily routine or probably we feel that it is not that important a clue or things will sort out themselves as the time passes.

Here is the story of this young mother who is home maker, stays with her husband and small daughter who is in class first in one of the reputed schools nearby. So, the kid was alright throughout the night, however in the morning when she was getting ready for the school bus, she complained of stomach ache. The mother got worried so told her to miss the school and relax in the home. As she came back, she became absolutely alright. Refused to see the doctor also.
Next three days, she went to school comfortably and returned happily.
Fourth day, again she said she has got stomach ache. At this point of time, mother forced her to board the school bus and kid was crying. My wife noticed the kid and the mother.
The lady was demoralised though she forced the kid to go to school but she was not happy.
My wife asked her the reason and then she narrated the entire problem. Her husband was in travelling job and he has no time. She has to handle the problem herself. My wife asked her to find out who are the other students sharing the desk with the kid.
My wife suggested her to go to school and meet the teacher. The Teacher called the kid, she was all happiness with no problem. Lady was perplexed so she asked the kid, who is the other kid sharing the desk with you. The kid replied that she is all alone on the desk as the kid who was supposed to share the desk on that day, has missed out.
The Teacher informed the lady that we keep on changing the desk of students every third day so that kids mix up with each other. My wife asked her who was the kid supposed to share the desk on that day. She told the name of the kid. She came back and informed my wife. My wife told her to inquire from the kid how was this boy, who was supposed to share the desk with her on that day. She came to know about this boy. This boy does not bring his tiffin from his home and he eats all the tiffin of his desk partner, who so ever he or she is. So, the kid remains hungry, cannot say much.
This was the reason why this kid was not ready to go to school on the days, she was supposed to share the desk with that boy. His parents were called and told to give tiffin to that boy. Parents informed that he was not prepared to take the tiffin. When the teacher asked the boy, his answer was cryptic “What is there in the tiffin, some dry toast and two biscuits”. Both parents were working, lady hardly had any time to prepare the tiffin or probably the interest was missing. Parents were quietly told to give good tiffin which their son can eat and do not eat the tiffin of others.
Situation drastically improved in a week as that boy started bringing his tiffin to class. Though the class teacher was feeling apologetic about the entire issue. No doubt she was found inadequate in her job. She should have known this issue.
Lady asked my wife “How come you could diagnose this problem?”
“It’s very simple, I have been a teacher and a parent both and suffered on both the accounts?”
They laughed heartily.
The Lady invited both of us to her home for dinner.
My wife asked me “Will you come?”
“Sure, I am not like that kid who will allow his partner to eat all the good eatables.”
The lady thanked my wife profusely after the dinner.
Hope you have taken the lesson?
Do not allow your wife to eat all the good eatables in your home.
@allthingsbrightandbeutiful @lifeisgood

Col. Virendra Kumar

Col Virendra Kumar, a Military Veteran with 27 years of Army experience and 15 years of corporate experience wears so many hats. He is passionate about national and international affairs.

He is also a professional trainer, motivator, speaker and executive coach with management qualifications from IIM Banglore and SIMS. He has always worked and opted for diversified fields. In his professional life, he has lead people by taking them along, leading them against the tide, ensuring their development and providing authentic leadership.
His area of expertise and motivational talks involves organisation behavior, leadership, emotional intelligence, diversity and transformation of individuals and organisation. He has a good understanding of human behavior and its dynamics.