My Life: The Iron Lady of Israel, Golda Meir - XIII

NewsBharati    08-Jan-2024 17:46:48 PM   

The proclamation of the state of Israel

'The British mandate for Palestine was terminated, by their natural and historic right and of the resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations '

First time in twenty centuries. The life was to become different from the past. The state was open to Jewish immigration, there was an appeal to Arab people in Israel to keep peace. It was ready to contribute to the development of the Middle East. All followed the Rabbi, who pronounced the prayer, which Golda wrote was never so meaningful as on the day. ' Blessed be Thou, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has kept us alive and made us endure and brought us to this day. Amen. ' White paper became null and void.

gold meir 

After the proclamation

The war and immigration started together. The first visa was issued. President Truman recognized Israel, and the speed of recognition surprised all. Weizmann's work paid. He pleaded the case of Israel. Russia too recognised the state. Two great powers were in support of the State of Israel. Israel was under attack by Egypt from the South, Syria, and Lebanon from the north, and northeast, and Jordan and Iraq from the East. All had their reasons, they wanted to eliminate the new State. Arabs hated the Jews. Israel never returned the territory it won in any war.
Arab nations had many advantages,on the other hand, Israel hardly had anything, but all were motivated to stay alive as the only option. They had to win. 6000 which is almost 1% of the population was lost, but the American Jewry was moved by it and had no bounds to excitement and pride. Golda had to visit America for funds again which was desperately required. She was received as if she was the personification of Israel.

Fundraising again

Golda visited many cities in America to talk to Jews about the situation in Israel and appealed for support. It was a tiring journey sometimes, but she was the representative of Israel and had to complete the work of raising money. Just the applause was not sufficient, it needed money to win the war or there would be nothing left. The country required support until it became sufficiently on its own. She appealed to them to change their lifestyle for some time and help in their hour of need. The unprecedented help came, and they put their heart and soul into reaffirming the partnership. It helped to win the war. This time she met people with resources, efficient and committed to the cause of the Jewish nation. It was a whirlwind tour.

After this work, she had to pack her bags to go to Russia.

The appointment at Moscow

Golda met with an accident injured her leg and had to be hospitalised. The war came to cease fire as it became clear that defeating Israel was not possible. Golda became busy with the press. She decided to go to Moscow even before she was well. Along with this, her children too were appointed as radio operators at the Moscow embassy.

Golda's father could not see the state of Israel established, their mother was confined to bed, her personality just faded away.

Golda became busy with many aspects of her work. The country was encircled by many countries that did not want Israel to come to existence, there was a scarcity of natural resources or wealth. So she thought that the difficult situation at home should be depicted to the world outside by austerity and modesty. Golda and her team thought on similar lines. She carefully chose her team. All had to be very careful for everything as the State was new. It was a new but very demanding phase of life and country.

All managed everything modestly and cooked in the rooms too.

Somehow Russian Jews never visited Golda, rather they had no information about them. Hebrew was banned, and after the Second World War Yiddish schools and newspapers could not re-open. There was anti-Semitism, Jews were persecuted, punished, and imprisoned.

There was an intense dilemma, ultimately it was concluded that it was better not to do anything with the Jews. The relatives were not allowed to meet even in case one was a member of the diplomatic team.

At the synagogue, the once-in-a-lifetime experience

The team had been to the synagogue for the Sabbath services, and Golda's name was mentioned, all turned to her as if to memorize her face, but no one said anything, they just stared at her.

When she was walking alone to her hotel after the Sabbath services, an old man brushed up against her and whispered that she did not have to say anything, just walk along. When they reached the hotel he turned up and recited the thanksgiving prayer which was recited on the day of the proclamation of independence on 14'th May 1948 and disappeared.

Similar was the experience of the Jewish New Year. ( Rosh Hashanah ) The team decided to visit the synagogue. A couple of days before the day, an article was published in the Pravda by a well-known Jewish Soviet journalist which implied that in Russia there were no Jewish problems, so Israel was not the need of Jews of Russia. It was a sort of hidden warning, but to the surprise of all, around 50000 Jews reached the synagogue. They demonstrated their 'kinship and to celebrate the establishment of the state of Israel '. They surrounded Golda, almost lifted her, and seated her in the gallery. She was the symbol of the state for all. The warning by the state fell on deaf ears, and people were ecstatic, when the service ended, they all rushed to her and chanted,' Nasha Golda ' ( our Golda), Shalom, Shalom, and cried. The cab could not move as the crowd was ' cheering, laughing, weeping too. Golda could just say a sentence, " Thank you for having remained Jews". The entire team was speechless, it was a moment of great revelation to all. The mighty state of Russia could not break the spirit of Jews.
Within 20 years she could see many of them in Israel. Most of them preserved the copy of the old newspaper.
After 10 days came ( Yom Kippur) the day of Atonement, once again the synagogue was crowded, and the Rabbi ( a spiritual leader) closed the service with the sentence," Next year in Jerusalem". Despite all this Golda did not expect the Jews from Russia in Israel, but it was to happen in her lifetime.

Later she attended the reception given on the anniversary of the Russia revolution by a senior citizen, Mr Molotov. His wife belonged to a Jewish people. They talked in Yiddish on many issues, even talked to Golda's daughter, asked many things about the life at kibbutz. Many years later Golda came to know that they were arrested after the incident. It was obvious that Jews had to pay a heavy price for the interest they showed in the Jewish state. All the theatres and newspapers in Yiddish were closed.

It was a stint of seven months in Russia.

After the first elections in Israel, when Golda was asked to be a minister of labor, there was little resistance from the religious block. Later when she was to contest for the office of mayor, a similar point was raised, but the ancient Israel had a reference that favoured her appointment. Golda was more than happy to do what she always wanted to do, serving the country.

Golda returned to Moscow before she could get absorbed into the new role. Her team members had to stay a little longer. During her stay, her experience was that the Soviet officials who were courteous, invariably could not help in most of the matters, and always evaded most of them. Jews too did not dare to come to synagogue. On 20th April 1949, Golda returned to Israel.

In Israel again

The war ended, and a cease-fire agreement was signed. Golda wrote that it meant Arabs now would switch to economic weapons. The companies or individuals that traded with Israel were boycotted, Suez Canal was closed to Israeli shipping despite the international convention of keeping it open to all. Killings of Jews continued, the life at border settlements was made miserable by robbing and setting fields on fire. The money was provided for such activities, retaliation was not possible as there were many problems at home. Feeding the population which almost doubled in a couple of years, housing, and employing them was the priority, so only there could be complaints to the United Nations.
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Prof. Vidya Deshpande

Professor Vidya Deshpande has had a journey of more than four decades in the field of education. Her  main expertise is in the subject of Philosophy,  and she has worked as a teacher of philosophy and logic with Nowrosjee Wadia college for 36 years. She has been associated with the Janakalyan Blood bank for last for 38 years and has also carried out the responsibility as a management committee member of Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha for 10 years. Her special fields of interest are Philosophy of social sciences, school education, development of skills for self reliance,  and top up skills to make students profession ready,