Changing equations in ethnic Europe

01 Apr 2013 11:42:00

eurabia“White” people had the run of the world for the last two centuries. Ahead of that much of the world might have been talking about the grindstone of life during the time of the Mongols, and early on under the dispensation of the Romans, Greeks and Persians.

Head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, Rabbi Baruch Efrati, believes that. The Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing.

Rabbi believes Jews should rejoice at the fact that Europe has to pay through its nose for what it did to Jews. The Jews suffered for hundreds of years even as they lost their identity. Praising Islam for promoting modesty and respect for God, the Rabbi’s statement comes amid growing concerns over the rapidly-rising number of Muslims in Europe.

Not everyone seems to be bothered by the issue, including the Israeli rabbi Efrati, who even hails the phenomenon.

 Pamela Geller, a persistent observer of wild allegations that Muslim fanatics that [sic] include every Muslim who hasn’t categorically renounced Islam it- self— will topple the Constitution and impose Shariah law any day now, unless freedom-loving Americans heeded her warnings.

Her new book, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance — meaning, the “counter jihadist” resistance —purports to instruct Americans on how to stand heroically against this scenario. 

Efrati’s response in writing was that ‘the Islamization of Europe was better than a Christian Europe for ethical and theological reasons. At the outset Europe is being punished for persecution of the Jews and the fact that Christianity, as opposed to Islam, is considered “idolatry” from a Hellenic perspective.

The Rabbi explained this as the ethical reason for favouring Muslims, quoting ‘shocking’ descriptions from the Rishonim literature, written by leading rabbis during the 11th to 15th centuries, about pogroms and mass murders committed by Christians against Jews. Europeans are aware of the horrific consequences of coming to terms with home-grown terrorists.

As concerns grow over the increasing number of Muslims in Europe, it appears not everyone is bothered by the issue, including Israeli rabbi Efrati who even welcomes the phenomenon. He was responding to a student’s question on how to fight the Islamization of Europe and return it to the hands of Christians and moderates. 

Violent jihad, however, is a constant of Islamic history the theology of jihad, which denies unbelievers equality of human rights and dignity is on the shelf for anyone who wants to buy it.

Norman Finkelstein makes the argument that some Jews seem to claim that all Germans, and by context all Christian heritage Europeans share profound guilt for what happened to the Jews under the Hitler regime.

Norman yet wants to deny Jews any guilt for the murder of millions of Europeans und er Communism. “I believe that neither Germans nor Jews should be collectively condemned for these historical tragedies,” Pamela adds. 

Europe is losing its identity in favour of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, that shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for.”

Efrati ruled, therefore, that “even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity.” He added, however, that Jews must pray that the Islamization of most of Europe will not harm the people of Israel. 

Unknown millions have died in jihads throughout history. While jihadist groups, even with their global diffusion, are not strong enough to realize this goal by themselves, they have a potent and destructive ally, a genuine fifth column, in the non- Muslim academics and journalists recruited in the West.

Elena Chudinova, who gained fame for her 2005 dystopian novel, The Mosque of Notre Dame de Paris about the Islamization of the European Union in 2048, has now published another book in which she builds up the edifice of the concept that resistance to Islamization in Europe and the Russian Federation is “no longer a marginal phenomenon.” 

Her new book, The Kidnapping of Europe: Islamization and the Trap of Tolerance (Moscow: Veche, 2012), argues that over the last seven years, Europeans including Russians have become more disturbed by the threat Islamization poses and are more willing than before to violate the norms of political correctness to oppose it.

Chudinova says that the threat Islamization poses to all European countries has grown but that “resistance to it is no longer what one might call a marginal tendency,”. The Russian writer argues that there is no such thing as multi-culturalism. There’s only the wrestling of cultures.” 

In 1960 the population of Muslims was only 600,000 in Europe. At present there are already over 30 million earning the cognomen of the greatest mass immigration in the history of man that continues ceaselessly. Each year one-million new Muslim immigrants stream into Europe legally.

She suggests that Europe, including Russia, will survive only if it works together. Arguing that there is no such thing as multi-culturalism, Chudinova notes that there’s only ‘the wrestling of cultures.” 

This statement that world domination is the principal goal of Islam is confirmed by all who know Islam. The German-Syrian orientalist and Islamic scientist, Bassam Tibi, says: “Everywhere, in that place where Muslims live, Islam claims for itself the sole owner of validity that nullifies dissenting ideas.”

Even the Chief of Police in Cologne-bound by oath of office not to take sides-concluded that the German State will be overtaken in 2030 following unabated border openings and the high birth rate of Islamic people. Tibi says that since Islam is striving for world dominance, it [will] result in a bloody civil war spread over Germany and Europe.

Adolf Hitler himself had only a marginal understanding of Islam. He collaborated with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in order to build a death camp for the Jews living in Palestine. He was able to grasp the Islamic task of world dominance better than most modem educated Europeans can. 

Hitler once said that “If we had become Mohammedans, we would have owned the world today.”


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