Why you should not eat your food fast?

03 Jan 2018 17:39:35

Mumbai, January 3: If you belong to that section of people who spare less than 10 minutes to eat your meals, then you must change your eating style. People who eat at an unhealthy fast rate end up becoming obese and develop metabolic syndrome.

Eating quickly also increases how much air you swallow, which can cause gas and bloating. Ideally, a person needs to chew more as it helps easy digestion of food. Also, it is a medically proven fact that people who eat slow are less likely to gain weight.

The researchers from Hiroshima University in Japan followed up 642 men and 441 women over five years, identifying them as either slow, normal or fast eaters. They found that fast eaters were 11.6% more likely to have developed metabolic syndrome – defined as having any of three risk factors out of obesity (around the waistline), high blood pressure, high levels of bad fats (triglycerides) and high blood sugar after a period of fasting.

Another study, from China, found that people reduce their calorie intake by more than 10% if they chew their food 40 times compared with 15 times. And a further study, in which 30 young women were given large plates of pasta and asked to eat quickly, showed that while they consumed 649 calories in nine minutes, this fell to 579 when they were told to chew the food up to 20 times.

Chewing more helps to digest your food your saliva has enzymes that both lubricate and start digesting what you eat and allows your taste buds to notice the meal. To eat more slowly, talk between mouthfuls (not during them), reduce your pace to match the slowest eater at the table and don’t wait to be starving before you get food. You can also sip water.

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