There was a time when one could discount Rahul Gandhi’s ‘stray thoughts’ fed by his handlers as that of a failed politician famous for ‘spit and run’ tactics. Earlier, he tried to redefine Hindu dharma and Hindutva. Now he is out to redefine ‘Lynching’. It is black comedy of the worst kind.
He tells us that India had not heard of ‘Lynching’ before 2014. He is right, anything pre-2014 doesn’t deserve to be mentioned. In a way, he is right. Congress doesn’t believe in Lynching; its preferred tool is massacre or ‘riots’. Having sat over the most heinous riots since independence, it was able to pass off the 1984 pogrom against Sikhs too as riots. This practice began right after independence. After Gandhi ji’s assassination that benefited Nehru the most, there was a pogrom that killed estimated 800 to 8000 Brahmins and RSS swayamsevaks because Godse happened to be a Chitpavan Brahmin. Numbers vary hugely because official records have been wiped away, news killed. Only foreign media was able to report it. The scare created as so strong that the victims simply went silent. 1948 pogrom doesn’t figure in any historical narrative.

He said this when two people accused of ‘Be-adabi’ were lynched to death in Punjab ruled by his party and his chosen CM. While be-adabi is a condemnable act, it is equally condemnable that Rahul Gandhi’s own government has not taken any action against the perpetrators of lynching. In fact, in case of Kapurthala, the police officer took a U-turn live in front of cameras as he got a mysterious phone call. There is definitely a conspiracy to create friction in the society. But, if the persons accused of ‘be-adabi’ are killed, how can conspiracy be uncovered? It was precisely this kind of molly-coddling of violent elements that saw Punjab falling into deep abyss of violence for nearly 12 years.
The term ‘Lynching’ was popularised after 2014 by Leftist friends of Rahul to demonise Hindus. How many of us remember the Khairlanji outrage in Maharashtra under Congress when a poor tribal, Bhaiyyalal Bhotmange, was lynched in cold blood in his own house by a mob and his wife and daughter were paraded naked? More cow protectors, including Muslims, Dalits and police have been lynched by cow smugglers. But who cares for truth?
I list down here just a few examples of ‘non-existent’ lynching prior to 2014 because Rahul Gandhi said that he never heard of lynchings before 2014.
- 2002 – 5 Dalits were lynched in Haryana just outside the police station.
- 2006 – I already recounted Khairlanji
- 2009 to 2013 – there were 13 cases in lynching
- 2013 – Murshidabad – Head Constable Lal Singh Tomar lynched by cow smugglers in Feb
- 2013 – Jhorpara – police SI Rajendra Singh lynched in July by cow smugglers
- 2013 – Kishanganj – Constable Surendra Singh of BSF lynched in July by cow smugglers
From 1967 when first RSS swayamsevak Vadikkal Ramakrishnan was lynched (whose prime accused was the present Kerala CM, acquitted later due to lack of evidence) till 2014 about 180 RSS and BJP workers were lynched, hacked, dismembered under the rule of Marxist and Congress led governments. All the cases of Hindu lynching are not worth mentioning as lynching, probably because Hindu lives don’t matter. Need I say more?
Coming to the present. A hapless victim was lynched by the people posing as farmers at Singhu border. Just last week two incidents of lynching took place under Congress government in Punjab. But, so far, no action is seen. Rahul Gandhi has not once asked for action against the people who lynched. Lakhimpur Kheri case of car running over farmers was condemnable and everybody condemned it. But, four farmers lynched deliberately by people claiming to be farmers was not condemned by Rahul Gandhi. In fact, his CMs differentiated between BJP supporters lynched and farmers run over by a driver. They offered compensation only to farmers run over by car, not the ones who were literally lynched. Do BJP/RSS workers’ lives don’t matter? Is it a crime to work for Hindus?
Any sacrilege, insult, or be-adabi is condemnable. But, will law take its course or vigilantism is allowed in case of ‘peaceful’ minorities, Sikhs? But, if Hindus take recourse to law when their Gods and scriptures are insulted, they are called fanatics and intolerant, and terrorists. If they are killed protecting cows, whom they considered holy, they deserve no mention.
By closing his eyes to lynchings in Punjab, Rahul is following the same disastrous path that Congress under Indira Gandhi had chosen. Creating divisions within Indian society and hate against Hindus by making such statements is not foolish but devious. This deviousness at the time when Khalistani agents are raising their heads again is sad for our nation.
Akali leader Sant Longowal went to the extent of claiming that Bhindranwale is the danda with which they could beat Congress. But, they couldn’t. He too was killed. Khalistani insurgency consumed leaders of both Congress and Akali Dal. It also spilled the blood of RSS workers who refused to allow division of Hindu-Sikhs which was the prime motive of separatists as it could lead to split of the society. This is the reason RSS is demonised and hated by Khalistani elements and their shadowy political supporters.
Congress as also Akali Dal converted a purely economic issue of farm laws into a religious issue. Captain Amrinder Singh did realise his folly in instigating farmer leaders but to his credit he realised his mistake and drew back firmly. Navjot Singh’s incendiary remarks against conspiracy of sacrilege and Rahul’s own poisonous talk about ‘lynching’ and sustained divisive statements in search of vote banks is worrisome.
Conspiracy of bringing Punjab to a boiling point due to sacrilege, must be unravelled urgently. It could be local politicians or Pakistan. We don’t know yet. But onus is on Rahul Gandhi to halt Punjab’s rapid fall into 1980s’ situation and instigate violence in poll-bound states like UP. Rahul must be made accountable. He cannot spit and run. He cannot behave like a political stone pelter if he wishes to lead Congress, the only pan Indian party opposing BJP. Indian democracy needs national parties. Decomposing of Congress into a mindless opportunist rump is not good for the nation. If it happens, Rahul will be responsible as much as the silent Congress leaders.