5 Ways to protect your mental health in this social media era…!

31 Oct 2022 16:17:40

Social media is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Posting this article on social media and stating this entirely opposite statement is strange yet, it makes sense, as we have been seeing it is badly affecting people’s mental health and creating issues regarding concentration, low attention span, anxiety, depression, comparison, and constant competition. But even if it is a significant part of our everyday ecosystem now, we can still deal with this, and I have 5 different ways.


social detox 

Here are 5 ways, in which you can deal with mental health issues caused by social media…!

1. Social Detox: You must have heard about it, and tried it a few times, but it surely does work if we do it on a regular basis. We are so surrounded by social media, that our day starts and ends with it. Tell me, will you allow 1000 people inside your bedroom with their views and life updates every morning the moment you wake up? No, right but we do it every single day. And we should do a complete social media detox at least one day every week. Chose a day of the week, preferably a weekend, and spend on social media free. Lock the social apps for the entire day. People who want to be connected with you during that time, or have any emergency, will contact you through phone or messages. Spend time with nature and family. Have real-life 1:1 conversations with your loved ones, keep that phone aside for some time and enjoy your social media detox to feel happy, relaxed, and rejuvenated.

social detox 

2. No phone for an hour after you wake up: This has played a huge role in my life since I started doing it. Phoneless morning time is such bliss. Once you wake up, your mind needs time to process. And if you stuff it with so much happening in your social life, it can affect your speed of work, concentration, and energy for the entire day. Notice once, you will feel low, and drowsy the entire day if you spend much time on social media in the morning. Have a nice morning routine. Start your day with positivity, maybe listening to good music, or meditation, having a nice breakfast with your loved ones, spend morning time talking to them with a burst of good laughter and conversation. Gain all the positive energy and then start your day with social media.

social detox 

3. No phone before one hour of bedtime: Again it goes the same for the nighttime always. It is a proven fact that screen time at night affects the melatonin production in your body, which is a sleep hormone, which means disrupted sleep, poor sleep hygiene, means poor mental health, fatigue, low energy, and low concentration. Keeping your phone aside an hour before your bedtime, will give you more time to prepare for sleep, and it increases the chances of good and sound sleep. Better sleep = Better mental health. Priorotise your sleep more than anything and social media should be the last on your priority list when it comes to sleep routine.

social detox 

4. Be raw and real, don’t give too much importance to what others are saying on social media: Social media is a virtual world. Everything is not real here, and people only show what they want to show. So stop judging, comparing, and feeling bad about others' opinions. For you, be raw and real and don’t worry much about what people say, for others’ opinions, don’t give too much importance to what others say, it is not the real world. And if you don’t put too much attention on “Log kya kahenge” you will live a peaceful life. Use social media for your own happiness and goals, and not to show something to someone, to live a mentally peaceful life.

social detox 

5. Stop being a part of the rat race of Likes, Shares, and Followers: I know some businesses depend upon social media. And for them, the number of likes, shares, comments, and followers really matters. Being an online business owner I can say, that being in this rat race can harm your mental health. Focus on your own goals, and be your own competition. To beat your competitors use positive ways, and make sure you won’t let this rat race affect your mental health. It is in your hand. And you must do it for the sake of your own mental health.

So if you are someone, whos career is dependent on social media. Make sure you follow these 5 points to avoid any issues regarding mental health. Have a happy life even if you use tons of social media. Because it is possible. Was this helpful? Let us know in the comments below.

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