YouTube biasedly bans Indian news channel for reporting Russian Foreign Minister statement

At this point, it should be noted WION is not the only media outlet that telecasted the Russian Foreign Minister’s speech, other western media outlets, had put up the video. However, Youtube has not taken any against their channels.

NewsBharati    26-Mar-2022 11:49:59 AM
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The campaign against Youtube with hashtag #boycottyoutube #YouTubeUnblockWION #Truejournalism is trending on social media. This protest against Youtube comes after the video platform blocked Indian news channel WION for seven days for uploading a video on 10 March in which they showed a portion of the speech of Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.
This issue come to light after someone used to write to Wion and asked the private media house why was the media outlet not posting videos anymore.
As per the media outlet, on 10 March, WION had broadcast two live speeches—one by Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba and the second by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
On 22 March the private media house got a message from YouTube saying they would not be allowed to post any videos. They said it violated YouTube’s community guidelines. Due to this the video platform had blocked the news outlet from uploading any new content on its channel.
According to WION, they appealed to YouTube, however, it was rejected. The media outlet said they wrote to Youtube demanding an explanation. “Our community guidelines prohibit content denying, minimizing, or trivializing well-documented violent events, including the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Under this policy, we have removed content, for example, denying that Russia invaded Ukraine or alleging that Ukrainian victims are crisis actors,” Youtube wrote in response.
At this point, it should be noted WION is not the only media outlet that telecasted the Russian Foreign Minister’s speech, other western media outlets, had put up the video. However, Youtube has not taken any against their channels. Showing political biasness the platform has only censored WION on the pretext that the video promoted pro-Russian content.
WION has also slammed Youtube over its biasness. “YouTube cannot be a platform and act as an editor and a censor all at the same time. That’s called rigging the game. Silencing Russia will not end this war. Silencing us will not stop our journalism. We want people to know the truth—To hear and reject the lies, to form their own opinion and not be fed and programmed,” the WION said in response to Youtube banning their channel.