I have been reflecting in my own way on Dattopant Thengadi Ji's Third Way. I present these small "ripples" that it has caused in my mind in a series. I am glad it has found its resonance in many thinking minds alike. I hope the readers have read the earlier article in the series before moving ahead.

Also Read: Ripples A Reflection On Dattopant Thengadi's Third Way - Part 25Balasaheb Deoras suggested that instead of the 'Minority commission' our country should have the ' Human Rights commission'. Justice Beg too expressed a similar thought.
Usually, Human Rights are discussed in reference to their violations by State. The discussion covers political, social, economic, and cultural injustice. The proponents state that Human Rights should be treated as fundamental rights. Various powers are given to many para-state agencies often neutralizing fundamental rights and misuse the power. Indiscriminate use of the Official Secrets Act to attract criticism. But many times it is observed that human rights are used to cover up illegal and anti-national activities.
John Stuart Mill had warned and while explaining the consequences of milder laws said that if a state dwarfed its men and handed over moderate instruments ,they could not work effectively.
Dattopant observes that many Muslim countries too struggle with human rights' problems. But the governments of these countries don't tolerate any interference by international agencies as these issues are treated to be their domestic affairs.
In our country muslims are very assertive and vocal on human rights issues. He makes one more observation that even in the non- Muslim countries, Muslims are not ready to give these rights to the women.
As Bharatiya we think preservation of human rights depend on consciousness of lay people and people to people relations on sound basis.
'Without love ,care and concern for others there won't be a strong ground for human rights.' ( Reference-- John Kleinig, one of the authority of the problems related to human rights)
Without changing the nature of men , Human Rights can't be garunteed.( Reference Will Durant)
Dattopant observes that in our country this movement is dominated by leftists and anti-national elements. Nationalists ought to come forward and Adhivakta Parishad should take up the cause of Human Rghts.