What happened in Udaipur – the public beheading of a poor tailor Kanhaiya Lal – is not an isolated event. The shocked seculars and so-called liberals are trying to present it as an exceptional case because the graphic video is too shocking for their elite taste. Just a week earlier Dr Umesh Kolhe was similarly decapitated in Amravati. Since there was no video and the killers didn’t wish to make their ‘sacred jihad’ public, people were not shocked. Nor was there an outrage of the scale we see now. There was Kishan Bharwad, who even apologized for his post and there was Kamlesh Tiwari. The first murder for blasphemy post-Mughal period was that of Swami Shraddhanand in 1920, followed by Rajpal Mahashey. Just like Moplah riots that began in 1920, the murders were defended by the best brains in the courts and outside. I will not quote Mahatma Gandhi as that will deviate from the theme of this article. It is 100 years of violent intolerance, afresh.

Nothing has changed. Even today, such deranged brainwashed criminals and terrorists are defended by the best brains and open-ended funds by Islamic institutions and Islamists, given good covering fire by the dhimmi intellectuals and politicians. While the process of brainwashing the majority was happening peacefully through official patronage in educational institutions and with intellectual domination through media, Hindutva rose due to decades of hard work on the field by RSS that kept the flag of Bharatiyata flying and resisted steamrolling by the Left forces ably supported by faux secularists. And then rose Mr Modi. The apple cart was upset.
In 2014, the powerful entrenched groups had believed that the BJP victory was a fluke and hoped to return in 2019. So, the opposition was verbal, laced with elitist ridicule and abuse. But 2019 was cathartic for these lobbies. And all hell broke loose.
I have written earlier that Nupur was only an excuse. From 2019, there have been sustained efforts to foment trouble and violence. Whether it was CAA, or Hijab row or Farmer agitation or Agnipath now. They tried it on Triple Talaq and Article 370 too, but that didn’t work. They have been waiting for a spark and have been pouring kerosene (as Rahul Gandhi aptly put it) other inflammables they have, to keep raising the tempers and communal temperature. Recall Sonia Gandhi’s call to the people to hit the streets.
Nupur Sharma's episode gave them another handle and it was used by crafty social media Islamists like Muhammad Zubair to ignite that spark to spread fire. They succeeded well this time with lakhs of Muslims hitting the streets and many cities and towns witnessing riots. Unfortunately, their aggression was legitimised by well-meaning Hindus and intellectuals by agreeing that Nupur had indeed committed blasphemy (in a supposed secular country) BJP, Nupur’s party too fell for it to buy peace by virtually accepting that she made a mistake. In the suspension letter, the party's central disciplinary committee wrote, "You have expressed views contrary to the party's position on various matters... Pending further inquiry, you are suspended from the party and from your responsibilities with immediate effect."
This uncalled for acceptance by various groups provided fuel to Islamists to go on rampage. Despite my repeated assertions on all platforms that what Nupur said was not blasphemy but the reiteration of what authorised Hadis and Islamic scholars had said, the unsure frightened anchors kept repeating this falsehood.
An Islamic scholar who is always critical of BJP and RSS said in a debate in my presence that Nupur had not committed blasphemy, but of no avail. This set the stage for what was to follow.
Now, the moot point is whether this nation is going to be dictated by Shariah or by the constitution. Who so ever defends such despicable acts with some excuses like ‘Dara Hua Musalman’ and see the world with one eye, need to take the onus for the latest developments. The open use of constitution and democratic institutions to subdue them is to be understood clearly by all concerned. ‘Sar tan se juda’ is not an ISIS slogan. It originated in Indian seminaries of Deoband and Bareilly, the founding schools of Wahhabism.
By claiming this is not Islam, Islam is religion of peace etc; we are negating history and their own books. Muslims need to accept that violence and secondary status for non-believers or Kafirs is ingrained in the minds and hearts of the followers of Islam as per their books. Right of life of Kafirs is not guaranteed by the Momin nor the book; “Terms and Conditions Apply.” They need to concede that conversion of
Dar-ul-Harb to Dar-ul-Islam by any means is the ultimate purpose of a believer. Once they accept it, they need to be courageous enough to come out openly that such conditions of exclusive control of the human beings’ lives and violence as a means to achieve universal peace are not acceptable anymore.
They need to disown the violent parts of their books and follow only the parts that are in line with modern worldview of living and letting live peacefully. This will help isolating the majority of hate-mongering, supremacist people with jihadi mindset. A few courageous Islamic scholars have shown the way, others need to strengthen this approach.Pew Research tells us that majority of Muslims want Shariah world over. We also know that despite our Constitution, large number of Muslims go to Kazis and local mosque to resolve their problems. Despite the Triple Talaq ban, most Muslims go by Shariah.
A brainwashed jihadi is more concerned about after-life rather than this life. He/she can live a life of misery in the hope of a great afterlife. His/her entire exercise is to please his God to gain a place in ‘Jannat’ and enjoy the company of ‘hoors’. For this to happen, they must be buried with full physical body to be presented in front of the Almighty on the day of the judgement –
“Qayamat ke din”.Therefore, the most effective punishment for the terrorists would be to cremate their bodies or throw them to sharks. The sheer fear of not meeting his God in full physical form is the only deterrent they will understand. Feed food to the convict that he or she is prohibited from eating.
We have been fed with the doctrine that ‘An eye for an eye will turn the world blind.’ Bitter truth is that ‘eye for an eye may save many eyes.’ This is a war of civilization. We have witnessed 1000 years of ignominy and slavery by following dharma against adharmis. Egypt faced the same fate. Ashwin Sanghi’s new semi historical fiction – The Magicians of Mazda – reminds us of the end of a prosperous and sophisticated Persian civilisation. If we wish to survive as a civilisation, we can’t follow the accepted rules of engagement of the civilised world and our own dharma, because the jihadis don’t recognise these rules. It is an asymmetrical war, as Pankaj Saxena has forcefully pointed out in his tweet thread today. We can’t fight this battle with one hand tied behind our back.
The sooner the last standing ancient civilisation, Bharat, recognises the portents of Udaipur, the better. The sooner the saner elements in Indian Muslims society realise that it is important to disassociate themselves from the Wahhabi Muslims and their seventh century hate doctrine, better it is for them and their country. Sooner Hindus realise that being good and carrying the cross of secularism and tolerance has extracted a huge toll on them and their wellbeing, better it is. Yes, we wish to live in peace with all the communities like we have done for eons; but terms of engagement have changed and we need to accept it. Peace can’t be bought; it has to be negotiated from a position of strength. For this every Bharatiya, including Muslims, have to join in.