Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus-But they both want to reach Saturn! - But Why?

13 Mar 2023 12:26:34
‘A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water’- Eleanor Roosevelt

Way back in 1992- around 30 years ago John Grey PhD. published his book- Men are from Mars and women are from Venus which sold over a staggering 15 million copies worldwide. Sure it must have made some sense. I read it too. He demonstrated through this seminal work that men and women are indeed different. They are two different species created by God or by nature for the humans to exist- that is the kind of hallowed role that has been given to us humans- of course differently. Such a simple and obvious fact required a 286 pages thick book to reveal! He had analyzed this thread bare and no one could challenge his findings and hypothesis which was based on detailed facts and facts alone. Of course there are critics of every opinionated issue in the word and his opinion is no different.
Why do women want to become like men?
Brilliantly, he chose Venus to represent Women and Mars to represent men folk and Ladies and gentlemen; was it by accident as it sounds good or by design, I may not know?

Be that as it may. Let me try and decipher it.

Venus's atmosphere is thick and dense, whereas that of Mars is light and tenuous (having little substance or strength). Despite the differences, the magnetometer instruments have discovered that the structure of the magnetic fields of both planets are the same. For instance if one digs a little deeper, men and women have flesh as well as blood. Blood of women can be given to men and the other way round provided the blood group matches. They both have bones. A nose two eyes, two years one heart and so on. Yet they are so different.

Another astrological musing says something more than just physical. Venus is the yin to Mars's yang, meaning Venus is the more receptive energy while Mars is more concerned with projecting outwards. Both have their place in the bedroom. While Venus symbolizes your experience of harmony and receiving, Mars shows stamina and how you express your libido.

In general it basically says that men and women are different. Yet as per social norms they are equal and of course they should be. But, but they are equal yet not identical.

Today both want to reach the Saturn. Be on the same planet.Why Saturn?

Saturn is sometimes called "The Jewel of the Solar System." It is a planet that is nothing like our own. Humans, men and women both have been gazing up at Saturn for a long time. They have been wondering about it for thousands of years. Earth can fit across Saturn nine times.

Saturn is huge. It is the second largest planet in our Solar System. Jupiter is the only planet that is bigger.

You cannot stand on Saturn. It is not like Earth. Saturn is made mostly of gases. It has a lot of helium. This is the same kind of gas that you put in balloons- to send them up the sky and feel happy- we all do.

Its beautiful rings are not solid. They are made up of bits of ice, dust and rock. How romantic!

Saturn is the only planet that could float in water. That would take a really big bath tub! Some of these bits are as small as grains of sand. Some are much larger than tall buildings. Some are up to a kilometer (more than half-a-mile) across. The rings are huge but thin. The main rings could almost go from Earth to the moon. Yet, they are less than a kilometer thick.

The dicey part of going to the Saturn is that it is very windy on Saturn. Winds around the equator can be 1,800 kilometers per hour. That's 1,118 miles per hour! On Earth, the fastest winds "only" get to about 400 kilometers per hour. That's only about 250 miles per hour.

If I can take a cue from this, Men and women both will get blown away.

So let us come to mother Earth where we were created, born and raised. Earth was born some 4.54 billion years back!

From Stone Age (around 2.6 million years back) onwards Men and women both worked equally hard to invent things, create an ecosystem called society, and create homes, schools colleges which we are all making use of and enjoying today. It is hard work of 50,000 years at least! Billions came and went by; the Earth still goes around the sun, the planet still spins around its axis.

In the last 50 years there is a maddening race for equality- gender equality across the world. Men and women must have equal rights, equal access to resources equality in participation in society, home and work, equal remuneration. That is good- it must happen both are human beings after all.

Why do women want to become like men? They are already created or specially crafted by God- better than men in several ways.

Women are stronger and better than men in several things.

For instance in the realm of Emotional Intelligence like, humility, self-awareness, self-control, moral sensitivity, social skills, kindness, and moral orientation, are all more likely to be found in women than men. They are more caring too.

There is a mother’s instinct and no father’s instinct. Mothers are protective, caring for the entire family. Can anyone challenge this? I bet. I as an educationist have personally witnessed over three decades that on an average girls perform better than boys in academics and overall performance too.

As per Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic which he reflects in an article he says ‘In fact, people are broadly aware of the female advantage in leadership. Gallup data suggests that in 1953, 66% of Americans preferred a male boss - today the figure is 23%. As my colleague Avivah Wittenberg-Cox recently noted, “The Mountain of evidence keeps growing. Women leaders outperform. Especially during a crisis. Companies with more of them do better. Countries led by women are managing the Covid crisis better than their male counterparts.’

‘If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.’
Margaret Thatcher

Being a woman means being able to be powerful and assertive, yet kind at the same time. It means being compassionate and vulnerable towards those we love in our lives without feeling weak for doing so. It means striving for our goals even in the face of the adversity we may encounter along the way.

Women have more tolerance and can sustain severe pain. Studies show that Labor pain is one of the most severe pains which has ever been evaluated. 

Nature of labor pain is consists of “severity and type of the pain” and “feelings accompanied with labor pain”.  Experience of severity and type of the pain was described as, “delivery pain is really hard to endure, it is not similar to other pains … the most severe pain that I’ve ever tolerated was labor pain”, told by one of the participants in the study. And also “its pain is unbearable and indescribable” was said by another participant.

God has made you a superior being so you must be grateful. Why do you want to climb down several notches to compete with men?

Ladies- Be equal to men by all means but remain different- preserve your identity- it’s god’s gift especially to you which no one can take away.

God has given you much larger role to play, else we will not exist. After God you are the creator- All mighty. Amen.
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