NB In Pics | Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, a dark chapter of British Raj in India

In order to recover from the losses incurred in World War I (1914–18) l, the British government of India enacted a series of repressive emergency powers that were intended to put a check on anti-British activities

NewsBharati    13-Apr-2023 17:03:42 PM
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jalianwala bagh
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
13th April 1919, the day of Baisakhi that year, marks one of the most traumatic chapters of Indian History. Several hundreds of people were killed & more hundreds severely wounded when Brig General Dyer ordered to open fire at people until the force ran out of ammunition. 
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jalianwala bagh

jalianwala bagh

jalianwala bagh

jalianwala bagh