The next letter in line was the one received on 17/11/1984, written by Anandibai . It was sent from Bangkok , ends with the word ' wife '.
Probably Gopalrao asked her whether he should visit America. She found herself in a dillemma,she certainly wanted him to reach America,but the hesitation was due to the thought that whether it would distract her as she wanted to give undivided attention to her academics. Obviously on the other hand she knew that she couldn't stay with him for a long time but Gopalrao too was a person of fortitude and resilience. She suggested him to reach by June when he could get a job of teaching Sanskrit, her professor promised her to talk to some schools.
She earnestly requested him to have warm clothes,grow hair on head and take utmost care in the winter, because it was wise not to be careless.
She was probably collecting postal stamps,so asked him to get some from the countries he would be visiting on his way to America.( The countries like Siam- now known as Thailand, Japan, China )
At the end she expressed her inability to write for Kesari and Maratha newspapers. She could not spare time to write for any of the newspapers, probably the money they offered bothered her.
The next available communication was stamped on 9/2/1885,but it seemed to have reached Olivia on 7/4/1885.
It started with the phrase, my beloved ( प्रियकरा) , and ended with servant or rather maid at your service,( आपली आज्ञाधारक दासी).
She was worried as there was no communication from Gopalrao for a couple of weeks. She urged him to take utmost care of food and clothing as there was a reference of his not being well, and she was afraid that winter may cause some health issues. She herself had hardly any time to write long and descriptive letters, so she requested him to be contented with a post card.
She was a little concerned about something which she did not mention clearly,may be a few expressions he used, upset her,for which she thought in some way she was responsible. In a way she longed to see him in person.
Again there is a reference of her being the topper in the class.
There is only one letter available written in English by Dr Anandibai to Gopalrao, where she addressed him as 'My dear husband ' and end phrase was ' Your loving wife '. This is written immediately after she passed her final examination,it was sent from Philadelphia.
She wrote in a typical English style of writing,she was ' exceedingly busy ' and could not write for two months.
Then she was ready to think of time and place for meeting Gopalrao,her expressions reflect emmense pleasure when she could think of their future together. She planned to meet him in the month of June when she was supposed to be at Roselle, she thought of meeting at New York and return to Roselle. She requested him to direct her as how was she to receive him.
" I will astonish my friends or spectators not to find me kissing my beloved husband after such a long separation from each other as we have suffered." , she wrote. She certainly was aware that, " it might seem immodest for a Hindoo woman to kiss her husband before strangers ."
One can see the modest Hindoo woman that she was, reflected in her writing and she had publicly promised to go to America as a Hindoo woman and return as a Hindu woman.
Her cursive style is unbelievably beautiful. The photocopy of the letter is printed in the book. Attaching it for the readers.