Bangladesh Minorities demand to initiate Parliamentary sessions by reading of Holy books

09 Jan 2021 18:20:06
New Delhi, Jan 9: Bangladesh minority groups have demanded for reading of Holy books at the start of parliament session. The organizations for the minority religious groups of Bangladesh have made the demands about the reading of Holy books of all the four major religions of Bangladesh at the beginning of parliamentary sessions and state ceremonies. The prominent minority group of Bangladesh Hindu Budhhist Christian Unity Council (BHBCUC) has made the demand.

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The group has urged the government to restore the practice of reading from the Holy books of all the four major religions of Bangladesh which was introduced in the country after its liberation from Pakistan. Currently only a recitation from the Quran is done in the parliament and in various state functions since the practice was discontinued after the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman which was followed by a long period of political upheaval and military rule.
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The Christian minority association Catholic Bishops’ Justice and Peace Commission has also supported the demand put forth by the BHBCUC. The Secretary of the BHBCUC advocate Rana Dasgupta has said hat reintroducing this practice will be a significant gesture to uphold religious pluralism in Bangladesh as it recognizes equality of all religions and minorities before the law.
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During the meeting, the minority groups have urged that the government should implement acts to protect minority interests and establish the National Minorities Commission. It has also demanded that law should be enacted to ensure the widow's right to inherit property of her husband.
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