First Digital Forensic Lab operationalized at Cyber Crime Cell in Goa's Ribandar

Goa’s first Digital Forensic Lab has been operationalized at Cyber Crime Cell in Ribandar.

NewsBharati    07-Oct-2021
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Goa, October 7: Goa’s first Digital Forensic Lab has been operationalized at Cyber Crime Cell in Ribandar. The Digital Forensics Laboratory (DFL) is a state-of-art dedicated facility in which trained police personnel can safely engage in digital and forensics analysis of any crimes including detection, extraction of data, analysis of the same in a professional, technical way.

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The main objective of the DFL is to use state-of-art technological solutions for the crime detection and investigation. Additionally, the facility also has fully equipped 16-seater digital forensics laboratory to enable all kinds of training.
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It has been designed with collaborative learning, and the laboratory can facilitate training across a vast range of digital forensic capabilities. It also provides the facilities for undertaking forensic investigations and data recovery functions.

Fully equipped with licensed digital forensic software, DFL helps in providing forensic expertise to any mobile, computer, hard disk, etc. incidents.

It also offers a wide range of opportunities from the full investigation, case management and reporting to providing specialized technical expertise and advice on particular aspects of an investigation.

Currently, the recently busted fake call centers are being investigated with the tools at DFL.

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