The next in line is a long letter, written in 1883( probably ) in the Modi script, addressed to Gopalrao, the end phrase is 'your faithful and loving wife Yamuna '.
The communication begins with the point that Indians (mostly)were addressed as ' heathen ', and were treated with contempt and mocked. She said that she was trying her best to change their impression. Probably Gopalrao might have written something which was demoralizing, but she brought it to his notice. The books published in India too portrayed Indians as idol worshipers and heathens. She found such descriptions appalling or sickening. It was observed that Episcopal Church ( which is also a Protestant church, a product of the English Reformation back in 16th century, idol worshiping is not forbidden to them, and their clergies wear different robes depending upon the rites they performed. ) too had some different traditions which reminded her of the temple of the Goddess from Kolhapur ( Mahalaxmi ). Obviously, she never could appreciate such a bitter and humiliating portrayal of the Hindu community.

She noted clearly, the little success that is achieved on the conversion front is overstated, it certainly was doubtful.
Though she had doubts about the way missionaries worked, she had great faith and respect for Christ. Whenever and wherever she looked at the statue of Christ University, it reminded her of his kindness and his faith in the truth, these are the values one should follow.
The news of Pandita Ramabai's conversion frustrated her, she felt that Pandita Ramabai was trapped by Christian missionaries but after receiving the news about Pandita Ramabai she felt it was all hollow. In some other letter, she praised Gopalrao for his courage and support to Anandibai, but after receiving the news about Pandita Ramabai she felt it was all hollow. Anandibai felt how could she be influenced in such a short time. She was even reluctant to believe in the news published by newspapers, she advised Gopalrao to wait for the evidence.
Anandibai found that there were plenty of lady doctors in America then, she observed that male doctors were jealous, but she thought it was a universal phenomenon.
She wanted Gopalrao to make his opinion on anything only after knowing both sides of the coin, so the possibility of error in the judgment could be minimum. Her thought process was extremely logical, but the language of the letter sounded a bit apologetic as she thought she probably crossed the line by being a little straightforward.
She wrote if he was willing to change his opinion and be a little careful, he could plan a visit to America. Or she was ready to stay all alone in America for four years and meet him happily on the shore of India on her return? She did not want him to be displeased with the situation there, so was prepared to lead the life alone.
The duration of the medical course (MD ) was 3 years and for a year she wanted to work in a hospital and study a little more by experience. After 4 years she decided to bid adieu to the nation,0 probably she started loving.
She developed great interest and a liking for the medical course. This was not self-righteousness or ego to an extent. She loved, respected, and adored Gopalrao to the extent of worshipping, so she could reason with him openly.
These are the letters written by Dr Anandibai Joshi and her husband Shri Gopalrao. 38 letters are made available in the book, they gradually unfold the persona of Dr Anandibai. Of course what others wrote to her or about her too shed some light on her capabilities and distinguishing features.
The journey of her accomplishments required great courage and strength, reading their letters is a moving experience. She pursued her and Gopalrao's dream with total dedication and grit, chose a very difficult path, and both had to invest a lot of energy and time into it and succeeded too. She translated her thoughts and values into her actions and made a strong statement about the abilities, role, and contribution women can make to society,the feat that they are capable of achieving. This was the period when all these things were never a part of public discourse, they were in a way absolutely beyond anyone's fantasy even. She rendered voice to many, and strength to dream but social change is a painfully slow process. She created a path, and illuminated it by her success, though she could not live to serve the women. Except for one letter by Dr. Anandibai after her graduation, all are in Marathi. If time permits the readers may read the original letters published in the book.
The next phase focuses on the correspondence by Dr. Anandibai Joshee with other family members and friends and relatives. Dr. Anandibai always addressed Mrs. Carpenter as कार्पेटर मावशीand Mrs. Carpenter always started her letters with the expression ' My dear niece, '. Her communication is in English.
Her thesis submitted to the college is available in the book it makes a very interesting read( it is written in English. There are many other who interacted with people other than Dr Anandibai and there are references to her. Some information is available from the print media also.