The outperforming and effluent minority of India

NewsBharati    17-Jan-2025 10:47:55 AM   
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‘Affirmative action was never meant to be permanent, and now is truly the time to move on to some other approach.’- Susan Estrich

Clamour for support to the backwards

This is a worldwide phenomenon. In India it is called reservations which is mainly reservations in education or jobs. In the West it is called ‘affirmative action’. Idea is to support communities of groups of disadvantaged people who have little talent and resources to come to the level of the so-called well-off and privileged people of the society. Some of these rules passed through legislation have become ‘untouchable’ over decades on- as once a precedence is started no government or establishment has the guts to dilute it leave aside rolling it back. Even the so called well off fraternity is not uniformly blessed the middle class band is really a very broad brand again from poor to quite rich. You cannot give the bottom ones specil status of poor middle class- so be it.

reservations india

In Lok Sabha elections of 2024 opposition played this out to the gallery that ‘reservations will be stopped if the NDA government comes to power’ Though this was only a ‘narrative’ apparently false one, it did make a dent into the victory of NDA as far as seats go.

Brown is the most favoured colour of the politicians across the world as everyone wants to score brownie points for votes by rolling out red carpet to whoever cries harder than others for favours in the name of God almighty. Further taken as In the Name of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once done you are baptised for ever as backward- ‘pichchada warg’.

“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” 一 Theodore Roosevelt

Muslims in India are a minority, though they have a sizable number. Therefore, the second largest majority so to say. They have done brilliantly well in almost every field one could imagine.

There have never been any hurdles placed in front of any deserving person in government or the private jobs or business art belonging to any caste, colour, creed or faith in India as clamoured by several who make noise as a sub profession. Constitution has been followed to the TEE. In fact, even walking an extra mile was the central philosophy of every dispensation.

Muslims, one has to give them the credit of reaching heights of almost every profession in India - reservations don’t matter for them.

Let us look at the Sarkari circle or the Government itself.

Let us briefly look at Muslim achievements.

Out of fourteen presidents three had been Muslims namely Dr Abdul Kalam, Dr. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad, Dr. Zakir Hussain. There have been Muslim Vice Presidents, Governors, Cabinet Ministers including foreign minister, Chief Ministers.

Several Muslims have held top positions in foreign service, Bureaucracy and Police, allied service and armed forces and para military too. Top doctors and every specialisation they have done exceedingly well. Sensitive and crucial positions like chief election commission were headed by Muslims. A Muslim served as India's permanent representative at the United Nations which is commendable.

In education there were and are shiny Vice Chancellors and HODs as well as professors and college principals. Supreme court and high court Judges and Chief justices have been Muslims.

Private sector and Business

Muslims are second to none in Business acumen and have created empires like Wockhardt and Wipro, Cipla and Aster DM Healthcare to name a few. Lokhandwala a big builder and Patel Roadways are great brands.

Art culture sports and films

Khans dominate the Indian cinemas space. Bollywood has Muslim music directors, singers and lyricists galore.
Names to reckon with are Dilip Kumar, Shahrukh Khan, Amir Khan and Saif Ali Khan amongst the males and Madhubala, Meena Kumari, Waheeda Rehman, Shabana Azmi, Zeenat Aman, Alia Bhat in the female category. These are few names and not an exhaustive list.

Mohammad Rafi, Talat Mehmood are still the heart throbs of millions. Adnan Sami, Anu Malik, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan have left an indelible mark on the tracks.

“All day long the superior man is creatively active.” 一 the I Ching

Imtiaz Ali, Ali Abbas Zafar, Fahran Akhtar and Zoha Akhtar as directors and Javed Akhtar as a script writer have done exceedingly well.

Directors Cameramen and choreographers too are on the front foot. Designers, architects and painters, sculpture artists too have a good presence of Muslims.

In sports they contributed well at even the national level.

So if some cries foul- ask who has been discriminated against bro?

Other minorities

Sikhs are less than 2% of Indian population. Yet they have never complained and have done exceedingly well in almost every field. Top job of PM and FM as well as planning commission was steered by Sardars. Contribution to Police and armed forces is pretty impressive.

Parsis are micro minority and for our size of 145 crore they are a in thousands and just a drop in the ocean. Yet they never complained and did exceedingly well- especially in Business. They did great charity work too.

A level playing field

India provides a level playing field to all religions, castes, colour or creed- it is you who needs to work hard and get it- don’t ask for ‘sadda Haque aiththey rakhkh.’

No one is stopping any one to go get the sky and even beyond- do you have it in you?

If you are good- you are good period. You are unstoppable.

The road ahead

India is the world destination for achieving your dreams. Let us remember that each one of us has a talent, a God gift, which must be used by everyone. Don’t cry about nepotism- it’s across the world. Make the best of what you have, each one of us has a different destiny, a definite story and a set of different circumstances. Everybody cannot be born as the son of a monarch- India gives everyone a chance to shine, today ‘A tea seller ‘is the PM, a Monk is a CM and a backward Class lady is the President. (just look at the handwriting of your current president- it will be an eye opener). You must see their hard work and read about them to see how they fought against all odds and rose to levels which even they could not have imagined. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country- yes you can.

‘Affirmative action has a negative effect on our society when it means counting us like so many beans and dividing us into separate piles.’- John Kasich

Virender Kapoor

A thinker, educationist and an inspirational guru. Kapoor is an Indian who wears many hats. An educationist of repute, he was the Director of a prestigious management Institute under the Symbiosis umbrella. He has emerged as a leading think tank in human behavior, motivation and success. As a celebrity author, his name appears with the likes of Thomas Friedman and Dale Carnegie. He has authored more than 30 books as of now which are on Amazon worldwide and several of his books are in the pipeline.